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At Butler University, Indiana, USA

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Effective Recovery Techniques: Basketball

  • Fluid and mineral replenishment: For each kg in fluid lost, 1L of fluid shoud be consumed. As sweat contains sodium potassium, which is important for muscle use, sports drinks and other forms of these products should be consumed.
  • Food: Eating carbohydrate based foods should occur ASAP after exercise.
  • Active Recovery: This involves 5-25 minutes of low intensity exercise which is lower than 40% of max H.R. Stretching should be involved in this and this lengthens muscles to pre exercise length.
  • Passive Recovery: This involves rest and nutrition. PC stores are 90% replenished after 3 minutes.
  • Massage: Stimulates bloodflow, is mentally relaxing and allows the athlete to identify which parts of their body are sore and more injury prone than others.
  • Hot and Cold: This type of therapy helps stimulate blood flow because the blood vessels in the muscles constrict and dilate repeatedly. With increase blood flow comes an increase of healing properties, which are found in blood. It also helps flush out some of the unwanted bi-products of exercise. This encourages and increases the natural blood circulation.
  • Ongoing diet: Athletes should have a balanced, healthy diet
  • Ice baths- Emmersing in 9-12 degree water for 10-15 minutes. After intense exercise, there are tiny micro tears in your muscle fibre.). With this comes a small amount of inflammation. Ice baths constrict blood vessels and can help to reduce swelling.
  • Beach "Wading" Recovery: It has similar effects to ice baths (with a similar water temperature). Moving water stimulates touch receptors on the skin which in-turn increases blood flow and helps the muscles relax.

All of the above techniques should be used during everday life (ongoing diet), prior to performance (Carbohydrate "Loading), during performance (short breaks in games eg quarter times, timeouts and substitutions utilises the passive recovery of PC stores) and after performance (Hot and cold, ice baths, wading etc). This will ensure the athletes are restored to their normal body condition and able to resume training or playing as soon as possible.


Sunday, September 23, 2012


Good nutrition provides adequate amounts of nutrients from all 5 food groups to supply the dietary needs of people at each stage of their growth & development while maintaining a healthy weight range.
The 5 food groups: The food groups divide foods into 5 different groups & has recommended servings per day for each group. This model has been around since the 1950's.
The 5 food groups are:
  • Breads, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles
  • vegetables and legumes
  • fruit
  • milk, yoghurt, cheese
  • meat, fish, poultry, nuts, eggs
  1. There are 7 important nutrients. What are they? Provide a brief explanation each & state why they are important.
  2. What are the recommended daily intake levels of each nutrient?
  3. What are kilojules?
  4. What is the recommended daily kilojule intake for adults?
  5. What is the Body Mass Index? (Calculate your BMI)

1.       The seven most important nutrients are:

·         Carbohydrates - Simple carbohydrates are classified as “Monosaccharides” and chemically consist of one or two sugar units

·         Fats - there are several different kinds of fats, some of which can actually be extremely beneficial to your health.

·         Fibre - Fibre is mostly made up of a polymer called cellulose, which is not digested because humans do not have the necessary enzymes to process it. Fibre is extremely important for maintaining proper digestive health, since it provides “bulk” to the intestinal contents.  

·         Protein - Protein is made up of many amino acids, which can be broken down to help the body to produce more protein (as well as manufacture new protein to replace damaged protein).

·         Minerals - Minerals are very important for supporting biochemical functions in many of the body’s functions

·         Vitamins - There are twelve different types of Vitamins that have been officially recognized for being essential for good health, and that need to be incorporated into the diet.

·         Water - Water is absolutely essential for good health, and is very important for maintaining many of the body’s functions.

2.       Recommended daily intake for Iron:

Infants 0–6 months
0.2 mg (breastfed/adequate intake; bottle-fed infants will need 5–10 times this amount)
Infants aged 7–12 months
11 mg
Girls and boys aged 1–3 years
9 mg
Girls and boys aged 4–8 years
10 mg
Girls and boys aged 9–13 years
8 mg
Boys aged 14–18 years
11 mg
Girls aged 14–18 years
15 mg
Women aged 19–50 years
18 mg
Pregnant women
27 mg
Women aged 51 years and over
8 mg
Men aged 19 years and over
8 mg


Recommended daily intake for Vitamin C:

19-64 yrs
64 yrs
19-54 yrs
54+ yrs
Vitamin A


3.       A kilojoule (kJ) is a unit of energy equal to 1,000 joules. 4,184 joules is equivalent to 1 "food calorie" (kilocalorie).


4.   Estimated range of kilojoules per day for males to maintain a healthy weight
(ranges from sedentary through to active lifestyle)

Age (years)
kJ per day

Estimated range of kilojoules per day for females to maintain a healthy weight
(ranges from sedentary through to active lifestyle)

Age (years)
kJ per day


5.       A weight-to-height ratio, calculated by dividing one's weight in kilograms by the square of one's height in meters and used as an indicator of obesity and underweight

My BMI is 22 which is in the healthy range for somebody of my height (183.5cm).

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sports Injuries - Management + Prevention

Most common injuries:
  • Sprains & strains
  • Corked muscles
  • Bruising
  • Dislocations/Sub-luxation
  • Cuts & Grazes
  • Fractures
Sports injuries are usually categorized according to the cause of the injury; either direct, indirect or from overuse.
Direct Injury: An injury that is likely to be as a result of contact with another player, object or the ground.
Indirect Injury: An injury that is likely to be as a result of physical impact without contact, i.e straining a muscle from movement while running.
Overuse Injury: An injury is likely to be as a result of continual impact on a tendon or bone leading to detrimental wear & tear.

 Injury                                              Signs and Symptoms                                      Possible Causes

soft tissue injury          :      Pain, Swelling, tenderness, bruising                : Contact, collision,
                                           reduced movement.                                           : overstretching
Bruising                      : Tenderness, pain, discolouration                           :  Fall, contact
Cuts/abrasions            : Bleeding, pain, stinging sensation                         :  "                 "
Broken bones             : Pain, swelling, local tendon deformity, loss of      :  "                 "
                                     sensation, wound (if compound fracture)                         
Nose bleeds               : Bleeding  from nostrils                                           : Contact, heat,  
Cramps, Stitches       : Involuntary muscle spasm                                     : Dehydration, low fitness,
                                                                                                                      muscle fatigue
Winded player          : Pain, difficulty breathing                                       : Blow to abdominal region

Treating Soft Tissue Injuries: Use RICER

R- rest
I - ice     20 min on, 20 min off for every hour for 48 hours - don't put directly on skin - wet bag/towel
C - compression
E - elevation
R - referral

No HARM method : (Things to avoid) 48 - 72 hours directly after the injury

H - Heat    - Heat vaso-dilates blood vessels and therefore increases bloodflow, swelling, bruising
A - Alcohol
R - Running
M - Massage

Injury Assesment:
Use TOTAPS to assess injuries:

T - talk to the injured person. Find out what happened, What hurts? rate pain /10
O - Observe the affected area. Check the severity of injury
T- Touch - feel for pain, heat, cold
A - Active movement
P - Passive movement
S - Skills test

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The circulatory system  is a transport system whereby blood, containing essential nutrients, is carried to all parts of the body. All other body systems depend on proper funtion of this system.

Major functions of Circulatory System
  • Transport blood to all parts of the body
  • To carry water, oxygen and other nutrients to cells
  • To remove waste from cells
  • To assist in fighting disease and infection
  • To assist in the regulation of body temperature
Interesting Facts
  • An adult heart is about the size of a clenched fist
  • At rest the average heart beats around 70 times per minute
  • Heart rate can increase during exercise or physical activity to just over 200 beats per min
  • At maximum work levl, the heart may pump as much as 35 litres of blood per min
Effects of Exercise
Exercise has both immediate and long term effects on and benefit for the circulatory system. Immediate effects are those that occur as soon as exercise begins. These are:
  • Increased heart rate (the # of times your heart beats per min)
  • Increased stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped out of the heart per beat)
  • Increased cardiac output (the amount of blood pumped out of the heart per min)
Long term benefits are those that occur after regular exercise over an extended period of time (6 - 8 weeks or longer). These are:
  • Decreased resting heart rate
  • Increased size of the heart muscle
  • Increased stroke volume and blood volume
  • Decreased blood pressure

Structure of Circulatory System
There are 3 main types of blood vessels in the human body: arteries, veins and capillaries
Arteries: Carry blood (full of nutrients) away from the heart
Capillaries: very small blood vessels that surround muscles and organs to give them nutrients such as oxygen and water, and remove waste, such as lactic acid.
Veins: take blood with waste products from the capillaries back to the heart to remove the waste.
The heart is made up of four different chambers that make the blood move around the body.
These are:
  • The right atrium, which receives blood from veins and pumps blood into the right ventricle
  •  The right ventricle, which pumps blood into the pulmonary artery towards the lungs and pumps it into the left ventricle
  • The left atrium, which receives blood filled with oxygen from the lungs and pumps it into the left ventricle.
  • The left ventricle, which pumps nutrient filled blood around the body through arteries
Components of blood:
  • Plasma - mostly water and is made up of most of the volume of our blood
  • Platelets - help to clot blood so that we don't bleed to death
  • Red Blood cells - work to move oxygen to our organs and muscles
  • White blood cells - attack anything in our body that is harmful to us, such as viruses and disease.
Measuring Cardiovascular Fitness
    • There are several different ways to measure an individuals cardiovascular fitness levels:
  • Resting heart rate
  • maximum heart rate
  • 12 minutes
  • beep test
  • Lung capacity (how much air your lungs can hold in one breath)
  • VO2 max ( how much oxygen your body can take in and use for exercise)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Term 2 update

Goals for this term:
  • Increase strength & explosiveness through weights training
  • Consistently shoot 30+ in 5 min three's
  • shoot over 40% in all games
Stage of season:
U18's (Coaching) and Men's (Playing) has 3 weeks left till end of the season.
U22's - currently pre-season as the season starts in approximately 5 weeks

Have you acheived your goals from 1st term?
  • Consistently shoot 25+ in 5 min three's - Achieved.
  • Hold spot in thunder development team/squad - Achieved
  • Improve ball handling - Maybe achieved but hard to tell as I haven't been required to play 1 man in many men's trainings/games.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Keys to successful Practice

Quality practice time is essential for the successful development of sports skills. To be successful in a sport an athlete must be prepared to maximise the typre, number and length of training sessions. Practice must be specifically related to the activity/game being played. Coaches should attempt to make the training as similar to the game/competition as possible i.e wearing team uniform to training. Time spent in total practice period, time spent at rest and time spent on particular skills should all vary according to the skill level of the athlete and the importance of the skill in performance; for example a tennis player might therefore have a session of practicing serving every 5-10 mins, as the player does in a game. The practice conditions should also be varied. Athletes will lose motivation if the same skills and drills are repeatedly taught in the same way. The skill itself should be analysed according to how it is used in a game and practiced in a variety of ways.


Positive feedback is designed to make the participant feel good about his/her performance. Feedback can come from sources within the athlete. This is called INTERNAL feedback. Alternatively, feedback can come from EXTERNAL sources. This is called external feedback.
Internal Feedback: Is information received naturally from the senses as a result of movement. When passing a basketball, the athlete is aware of his/her legs, arms, shoulders and fingers as they perform the skill. They can then see it pass through the air and be caught by another person. The athlete will know straight away if the skill was successful; they perceive information about the performance without the need for equipment or devices, or advice from other people. Therefore internal feedback includes sensations such as sight, smells, touch and sound that are related to the performance.
External feedback is information that is provided from outside the performers natural sensory awareness of the immediate action. This external feedback might be the coaches voice, the scoreboard, video analysis or the cheer from the crowd.
Types of external feedback:
2 types:
  • Knowledge of results (KR)
  • Knowledge of performance (KP)

KR is info that is provided externally after the completion of the action. It is based on the outcome of the performance or what caused the outcome. KR allows the athlete to correct the action next time.

KP is info that is received either internally or externally concerning the movement executed. KP does not inform about the movement success (as KR does). Rather, KP informs about the performance itself, i.e how it looked

Timing of Feedback

Concurrent feedback: Feedback received during the performance. The athlete can respond to this type of feedback.

Delayed feedback: Feedback provided after the performance and therefore the athlete cannot respond to it

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Research task

1. A closed skill is a skill which is controlled by the individual and is done in a stable and predictable environmnet. E.g. Throwing a ball inside a gym.
An open skill is not controlled by the individual and is performed in unstable, unpredictable conditions. E.g. Catching a ball outside on a windy day.

2. Fine motor skills are movements which require the movement of only small muscle groups. E.g. Throwing a dart. Gross motor skills require movement from large muscle groups. E.g. Kicking a football.

3. Discrete skills: Skills which have a disinct beginning and ending.
Continuous skills: Skill which involve the same movement pattern over and over again. The individual can determine when to stop
Serial skills: This is a group of discrete skills which have been intergrated into a sequence and are performed together (in quick succession)

4. Sport: Basketball
Shooting: Closed but defender makes it 'more open': Gross: Discrete
Catching: Open: Gross: Discrete
Passing: Closed: Gross: Discrete
Layup: Closed: Gross: Serial
Running: Closed: Gross: Continuous
Defensive slides: Closed: Gross: Continuous