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At Butler University, Indiana, USA

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Training Strategies

1.What are some of the reasons people train?
For general health and fitness or to improve sporting performance.
2. Why is it important to select the right training strategies?
So that it prepares the athlete for situations in their chosen sport and targets the neccessary muscle groups needed in that sport.
3. What are the 3 energy systems in the body?
Aerobic- Requires oxygen to produce energy.
Lactic Acid
4. What does ATP stand for and what does it do in the body?Adenosine tri phosphate - Chemical energy collected by muscles
5. How does the anaerobic system work?

6. What does P.C stand for in the anaerobic energy system?
Phosphate creatine - Provides energy quicly but doesn't last long.
7. How does the lactic acid system work?
Converts ATP from glucose in the muscles. 15-60 seconds. When it builds up, athletes can pass anaerobic threshold.
8. Which energy system can be sustained for the longest?
9. What is continuous training? 
Undertaking any activity requiring aerobic energy for at least 20 min.
10. What is the purpose of continuous training?
Improve aerobic fitness
11. There are 3 types of continuous training - State what each type of training involves and give some examples.
Long, slow distance training: Low intensity aerobic exercise, sub max training done at around 70-75% max heart rate eg. swimming laps, slow jog
Fartlek Training: Continuous training with various changes of pace. Using both aerobic + Lactic acid. eg running, cycling, walking 

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