Vertical Jump: How high you can jump off a standing start.
Standing Long Jump: How far you can jump from a standing start.
40m Sprint: How fast you can complete a 40m sprint. This is run on an outside track and is subject to wind.
Height: How tall you are (cm).
Weight: How much you weigh (kg)
Arm Span: How long your armspan is (cm)
70% Bench Press: How many reps you can do with a bench press weight which is 70% of your body weight.
Illinois Agility Run: Agility run which is done over a course containing constant changing of direction.
Basketball Throw: How far you can throw a basketball from a sitting down chest pass.
Max Push ups: How many push ups you can do in 1 minute
Max Sit ups: How many sit ups you can do in 1 minute